Graysen has been working on a list for weeks.
It has been lying on her bedside table, right alongside her Bible and journal. For the longest time I didn't know if this list was for real or just some wishful thinking on her part. Or, maybe just a coping mechanism. I wasn't sure and I didn't ask.
It seemed like one of those personal things that Graysen was just working out for herself.
It was entitled "Pre-surgery Bucket List".
It was a whole variety of activities, which included everything from simply wearing high heels to as crazy as cliff jumping at the lake. And plenty in-between.
The list. It made me sad. I didn't read it. I didn't want to know what it said. It just killed me that my 18-year old daughter was making a "Bucket List". Because a bucket list is what you make when you are running out of time. When you may not have another chance. It's your last chance to do some things that you really want to. I didn't like it and I didn't want to think about it.
But, Graysen did want to think about it. And she wanted to do it. All of it. Everything on that darn list is exactly what she wanted to do before she couldn't.
So she did.
She called it "Summer in a Week".
She had actually checked off some of the list before this week - such as wearing high heels. She did that at graduation. She wore a backless dress to her Senior Banquet. She napped in her eno, got in the hot tub, and went to zumba with her friends. We took the front part of her roof off of her jeep a few weeks ago, so she could enjoy the beautiful spring weather. She was checking off that list with purpose. She got a lot of it done.
And then time started running out.
She had one week left until we were to leave for Texas and a whole lot of activities still on her list to do. And that determined, over-achiever daughter of mine was not leaving without getting that list checked off.
It started Monday.
Day 1:
Graysen and Peyton work at the cutest little gift shop in Maryville, called Dandy Lions. They love working there. They get to meet and see lots of people, sell wonderful products, they have great co-workers, and they love their boss. It's a great job.
Graysen worked her last day until who-knows-when on Monday. As usual, it was a fun day of waiting on customers, seeing some new faces and lots whom she knows very well. She had a great last day and will really miss getting to be there this summer.
Monday night Graysen spent the evening having "sissy" time with Peyton. They went to dinner and a movie. They loved their night together:)
Day 2: My day with Graysen. She wanted to get a massage, since she won't be able to do that again for a long time. She and I went to the spa and then to her favorite restaurant, Tomato Head, for dinner. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed what was a perfect spring evening.
That night, our dear friends Tracy and Leslie came over and we had girl night by the fire. We sat outside and talked and laughed for hours. It was a really good night:)
Wednesday was a big, fun day.
Day 3: Tim took Graysen and a whole boat-load of her friends to the lake. They tubed, they ate, they cliff-jumped. They laughed til they cried. They came back wet, dirty, and happy.
But that wasn't enough. There was still a lot to do on this list. And just a little bit of time.
So, on Wednesday night Graysen and her friends headed over to Jump Jam to jump on trampolines for hours.
The evening was not complete until Graysen and her friends had a sonic Reece's cup blast at 11:00!
She slept well that night, to say the least.
Day 4: Dollywood. Roller-coasters. That's a biggy because she probably won't ever do that again. It was the last time and one of her favorite things to do. She rode them all. Even on the front row.
The evening was spent outside again. Sweet friends from my supper club came over and brought Graysen a care package of things to take to Texas. Another great evening with dear friends:)
Day 5: Graysen and I made a rode trip to watch Colton's soccer team play in the state championship game. In true cheerleader fashion, Graysen dressed in the team colors, cheered loud, and yelled at the other team and the refs. She held out hope of a win right down to the bitter end. Then she hugged her brother, prayed along with the team, and told several players how well they played. A real cheerleader at heart.
Day 6: Everything else. It was crazy busy. Graysen started her day with a pancake breakfast with her campaigner girls. She came home and she and I, along with Peyton and Tyler, headed off with our dogs to Market Square. Graysen bought flowers in a can, tasted some yummy samples, and walked around to see as many of the vendors as she could. She said the prayer at lunch, thanking God for the ability to walk around and see beautiful things. Oh my heart.
After lunch we headed home, Graysen made a quick change and she and her crew headed off to the mountains for an afternoon of hiking. They went to Spruce Flats Falls, having a blast playing in the waterfall and enjoying the beauty of God's creation.
Saturday evening Graysen's friend, Hannah, had a bonfire at her house. It was a relaxing evening and a chance for Graysen's friends to see her and wish her well before her trip.
Graysen came home tired. That list was checked off.
Day 7: The Sabbath. The day of rest.
We started our Sunday as a family, going to church. It was awesome. It was like the service had been laid out for us. The music was perfect. Every song was incredible and moving. The sanctuary was packed full of people who were singing and raising their hands in worship. The sermon was great. One of the college ministers preached from Ephesians. The sermon was interesting, funny, serious, thought-provoking, and challenging. An elder prayed with Graysen after the service. It was a good day in the House of the Lord.
Sunday afternoon was so good it's hard to describe. Family and friends came and went all throughout the afternoon and even into the evening. They hugged us and told us they love us. They brought cards and gifts and care packages for Graysen. They gathered in circles and prayed. Graysen and Nathan sang.
Blessing upon blessing upon blessing. We are blessed.
Blessing upon blessing upon blessing. We are blessed.
Summer in a Week was a success. The list is checked off. Graysen got to do the things she had thought about and wanted to do, she did the things that she has always loved or had always wanted to try, she did the things that she will never be able to again.
She made the most of every single minute and made them count.
She gave love and received it back times by at least a thousand.
It was a great week.
That list wasn't so bad after all...
Going to get a massage
Lake Day!
Jump Jam
Supper Club Friends
Market Square

Spirit Lead Me...
The List
Graysen and Nathan singing Redemption Song:
A Song of Encouragement for Graysen over the past several months.
Thank you again for sharing your journey! I am thankful with you that you have enjoyed and been blessed by such an awesome week!!!! Praying with you as you continue and hugs to all!!!!--Karen Millsaps
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ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Karen. I love your support and words of encouragement. Much love to you!