It's been a busy two days. I feel like I say that everyday, and I guess I do.
It's true.
Yesterday was a long day - hard and eventful.
Graysen became very sick from a combination of all the trauma, medications, and not eating for days. She struggled with nausea and sickness all day. The nurses were doing everything they could to help ease the sickness and we all tried to help her - but it was a rough day for Graysen. It was just a hard hit from all sides for her.
We said goodbye to Colton, Mimaw & Papaw, as they headed back to Tennessee. Again, we were sad to see them go. Tim, Graysen, and I decided it would be best for Peyton to stay and extra week because we really need her help. This has been more difficult than we had even anticipated.
I thought I had planned for everything.
There are just some things you can't plan for.
Pain and sickness. Those are hard things to measure and hard things to make a plan around, even for micro-managers like me.
The nurses kept telling us that this is the toughest thing they see. Spinal fusion. Really difficult. Really painful. Really hard stuff.
So the day dragged on. We had planned to be released from the hospital, but Graysen was too ill.
Until the evening - and then she finally started turning a corner. The sickness seemed to get to a manageable point - thanks to some good meds and the best nurses in the world.
We were able to get Graysen showered and dressed. She took a few bites of food. She kept everything down and was able to sit for a while. We had gotten through the worst of it. Finally.
It was time.
Graysen finally got released from the hospital. She had done it:)
Unforeseen Blessings.
Graysen formed a special bond with a very special nurse, named Tiffany Anderson, during her five days at Dell Children's Hospital. You know, difficult things sometimes grow our hearts in ways we cannot predict or foresee, and the bond between those two is like that. Tiffany has this sweet, gentle voice and tender way of caring for my girl who has been in so much pain. She was able to bring comfort and ease where it didn't seem possible. She has a real gift. She was a gift to Graysen. I am so thankful that God sent Tiffany right when Graysen needed her. Even though it was just for a few days - they were significant days and I know those two will never forget each other.
Tiffany was not assigned to Graysen on that last day, when she was so sick. We had another fabulous nurse named Kate. Wow, is that girl on her game. Totally competent. Totally confident. Totally caring and attentive. Twenty-five years old and awesome.
Tiffany and Kate were there. They both attended to and cared for Graysen to get the ship righted. We felt so blessed. Overly and abundantly. Two incredible nurses at once. Together they got Graysen turned around and ready to go home.
Blessed. That's what we are. Beyond measure.
So, we loaded up the car. We carefully got Graysen into the car, with Tiffany's help. And we headed to what we now refer to as our Lone Star Home. (house name creds to Vallie!)
It was not great. Graysen felt every bump in the road, she squeezed my hand and grimaced. She breathed in, she breathed out. She didn't get sick. And we finally made it.
It was almost 9pm, but we finally made it.
We got Graysen into the house and into bed. We gave her the medication she needed to get comfortable and she finally rested. It had been a long day.
A long, hard, eventful, successful day. It had been five long, hard, eventful, successful days. I'm so glad those five days are behind us. They were five of the hardest days ever.
We were all spent. We had nothing left to give. We were ready to say goodnight and good riddance to the day.
Sick Girl:(
Packed and ready to go
Signing her release papers. Yep, she's an adult!

The fabulous Nurse Kate
Graysen & Peyton
Precious Nurse Tiffany walking us out
Rough ride home

Finally! Graysen made it to our Lone Star home:)
Much needed rest
Wednesday, June 4, 2014: Day 6 Post-Surgery
Today has been a long, busy day. Oh, I'm sorry - have I said that before?
But, better. Even good, maybe. Definitely better than the last five days.
Today was our first day at our Lone Star Home. Meds are on board, so pain is in check for the most part. Rest was had. Graysen is all packed into her bed with pillows and blankets, just like her wonderful nurses taught us. She slept a lot.
I believe sleep is essential to healing.
She walked. She got up and took laps through the house. Twice. Once in the mid-morning and once in the evening. She and her Daddy even ventured outside for a very short stroll. Emphasis on Very. But it was a day of progress.
The turn-around day. Graysen turned the bend.
We are so thankful for today.
Before Graysen fell asleep tonight she asked me to read to her today's devotional from Jesus Calling. If you don't have it - it's the devotional book our family uses and we all just love it.
If you have it - go read it today. It was like it was written just for us.
June 4: The first sentence says, "Welcome challenging times as opportunities to trust Me".
God is ever so faithful to remind us that He is here, holding our hands and walking this journey with us. He is the Great Physician and it is through Him only that we can know true healing.
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13
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